Drivers owned Rideshare center with Amenities in each City/town
Essential needs of the residents and rideshare drivers in each city/town
•Rideshare along with public transportation and managed carpool/vanpool will be the future of local transportation.
•Rideshare and transportation requirement is 24/7 and all drivers require safe place to park their car and take care of basic needs.
•The commuters need a safe place to park and ride with amenities to use public transport, rideshare or carpool options.
•Drivers need basic amenities like toilets, food mart, gas station and EV charging, rental car pickup
•Local community needs a co-working space with tech center as an alternative to commuting work or WFH.
•Community Gym and childcare center would be essentials required in every city or town for the drivers and residents.
The Rideshare Center with amenities is essential infrastructure for every city and town.
Park & Ride with Amenities
•Many cities have park and ride lots. They are just unsafe parking places without any security or amenities.
•The Rideshare center will have the park and ride option for the local communities with amenities.
•The residents will have options for safe car park, discounted gas, EV charging, car cleaning services.
•Rental car pickup and drop off
•Public transport, last mile connectivity, managed carpool and vanpool will be part of the Rideshare center.
Community Co-working space
RSD Network coworking knowledge center gives the option of working in common workspace with all the amenities and closer to home.
•Coworking space is a common, shared collaborative workspace as well as knowledge center with all the amenities for members
•This collaborative workplace helps the WFH employees, freelancers, remote workers, College students and unemployed youth in the area to work on their job, projects, expand their knowledge and getting training or find job.
•In addition to being a common workspace, it is a knowledge center where members can access all kinds of online training, collaboration, knowledge share, and mentoring.
•This will be the future of work which will eliminate the long commute and suffocating environment of office and family disruptions in working from home.
Join the Program
Rideshare Drivers and local community members will have option to become shareholders as a collective.