
Our Partners  are based on drivers requirement to  reduce the cost and increase the income from the profession.  it is a ongoing process where we take the feedback from the drivers and riders and make sure the partners deliver the services efficiently and at low cost

Drivers Unions

most cities, states in US have rideshare drivers union.   in addition to the Unions fighting for the rights of the workers, the drivers should be part of the Rideshare drivers network.  we will partner with the drivers unions and provide technology support for them.

Group Insurance Partners

Organized drivers can benefit financially in reducing their cost through group captive insurance.  based on the number of drivers in the program.  our insurance and risk management company partners will help use build the Captive insurance for vehicle, commercial and health insurance.  

Rental car App and service providers

Rental car management technology platform is required to manage the drivers car to rent.  

Vehicle Manufacturers

there are many companies who manufacture hundreds of models.  What we want is a comfortable, reliable and low cost car with basic features.   we will do research and bsed on the driver feedback, we will partner with them and create programs to buy directly from them.  

Local Government

Community Rideshare center is a essential infrastructure required in every city and town.   the RSD Network will partner with  local government to establish the center with amenities.